Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last night

Looks like that all were tierd yesterday. A big day... So we were only 5 yesterday and I wasn't the only one who was with a head in the clouds.

We started in the talks and listening. For a start - a lot of talking about solea and caña. One was ment to bring a little spich about solea. She came late. Someone else need to bring about caña and didn't come at all. We litstened over and over to a song of solea. Than we tried to practice a bit on dancing with it. We had some mistakes, but not tagic. At least that was including all of us, so it felt less terrible.

Then we listened a bit to the caña song which we have on the bata classes (those who come to the bata as well). It was for listening to the difference, although it comes from the same idea.

And got back to the buleria. We sang a bit the song of Shuky. Neta started to practice with us the buleria. We all were too tierd to try it alone again.

Finished with some more talks. Somehow - it get to a talk about Camarón De La Isla and Paco De Lucía. Neta asked from us to listen to them till next week. What a "misery"... I'm gonna enjoy making homeworks! And I remind that Paco is about to come soon to performe in Israel. The one who spoke about the solea knew what I'm talking about but looked like she didn't really remember that

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