Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday's farruca

I was sure I'm gonna be late. Went out in the last moment, I walked to the class and stopped in the way cause I saw my niece in the way. But I did it. I got there still in the class of medium level. It was almost full and one of the lonely times that the fat woman came before me. One of the beginners was there and, stood behind and looked. The one who I was sure that she came for the girls. She was wearing a dress. I can't get used to it - pants looks much more natural on her. The man wasn't there, but the guitar player was, so one man and the crazy woman... I went out to change. When I got back and still needed to put my shoes on - one more was already there and Neta stopped class for recording. She was dancing and the guitar player was playing. they had a new part there. I was fine with time - our class was in a little late. Most of girls puts their share to the guitar player in the end of class. I don't. I always give in the start for I won't forget later and feel bad about it. I almost disturb Neta with her water this time. They both looked at this like it's the first time that I do it.... Ok, where is everybody? The nice one who came in the last moment said that the friend is on the way. We had a short hands' warm. When the feet came - so did my friend. We had a new thing which is a bit confusing. Neta said it will be a part in our dance and it will be better if we;ll have a video. She asked one of the girls to take a video in her phone. Only Neta danced this time with the guitar playing. After this part was over - the girl who made the video said that she isn't sure that she made a video. After a little check - no video and the phone got stuck too. I offered to take a video in my camera, a thing that didn't take. My friend offered to make a "restart" to the phone. It did help and later on there was a video to take. And working on the latest steps. A kid looked at us from the window for a moment. When we really started to dance - I saw in the mirror the husband of the fat woman. I turned my head and he ran away. And dance again, and to practice some more. In one of the little water brakes has been started a talk about how difficult to earn some money from dancing in Israel. Or even working at all. In Spain big dancers has a lot of money, even that the time is bad there now. This talk has started cause the nice one said that not many came today. One of the girls who didn't come was the one with hearing problems. Why didn't she come for a long time? The fat woman said she stopped. Neta said that she's a poor thing and it isn't only the hearing problems - it's also that she works too had to survive. And when we're all happy - let's dance. The girl who tried to make the video earlier still had to say her opinion. She said it's the government and it's better to take them all to the guillotine like in France. After some more dancing - Neta asked the guillotine girl to dance alone, she'll make the palmas with the music of the guitar. Near the end the guillotine girl forgot steps and she danced with Neta. The nice girl stood and danced as well without making noise. Then Neta left alone to dance. The nice girl couldn't stay quite for too long and made a bit noise in the way back to the bench. Class was over. The fat woman ran out fast. When I went - my friend and the nice one stayed to practice some more

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