Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quince (after watching)

OK, I needed a bit time to relax. I hope that I won't forget a thing. The program is a bit unusual and without the list of palos and dances (but includes which musicians it's possible to hear at the show). I hoped to have some time to eat there my dinner before the show, but I came too late for it. At least from one of the windows there up it was possible to see one of the dancers prepare her hair. I'm not sure that I saw well who was it. By the time someone told me "hello". It took me some time to figure out it's one of the girls who learn at the studio of Mijal, I'm not used to see her this way with the hair and what a shame - I still don't really remember her name. The man who I know through Neta's studio came as well and he's lucky for NOT trying to talk with me. And I was talking with someone who I did get to know through Neta's studio till my third year. I haven't seen her for years. At the hall, after me got in a red head I learned with her few months to dance with batas at the studio. She sat at the row before me with another red head girl. She was saying "hello" and I wondered if her husband knows (he was holding her very short).  

The show itself - all recorded music, not all flamenco. There was a part of classic music pretty at the start. Most of the dances had some influence from modern style. 

It started with the girls of the Compas Company while Ayelet Shachar stood a bit aside. She made a short solo and joined the others and all danced. This dance was with castanets. They made another dance with the castanets with classic music. They went out and got back fast for one more short dance with the castanets. At the way out they made it each alone or couples. Hadas Nestel was at the end with Adi Grupper. It was funny cause while all were playing "regular" with their castanets - Hadas took one of her castanets and held it from the string. She shook it and smiled. 

Kirill Sivolapov had a short entrance and walking out dancing. So did Mijal. The girls got back. Hadas had a manton this time. She danced with it a bit and left it on the stage and went on dancing without it but with the others. After this dance - the manton was still there. Kirill got back, took the manton and he was the next to dance with it, a bit like a torrero, a bit how does it's possible. Mijal replaced him on stage after dancing with him for a moment. This part - just her and without any "tricks". 

One more part. Hadas Nestel and Lia Sheinfeld, both wearing pink cloths. They made a short and funny part. When I mean funny - I mean at the good side.

After -  Kirill Sivolapov got back with a chair. At the start he was dancing alone. Vlada Vest joined him for a dance. After a while - so did Mijal Natan. Mijal was wearing a bata da cola. A part of dancing with it was for the use of Kirill. Three of them made an amazing trio. So much of it needed the trust of them at each other - some falling one to the hands the other, one lean at the hands of the others... So on. 

I don't remember well what came next, but after - Kirill got back holding Moran Ron and Ayelet Shachar whike they were wearing batas. Mijal joined wearing a bata and holding Adi Grupper and Vlada Vest who were with "regular" dresses. Hadas and Lia joined later on. Few mantons which through hands and dancers, batas, some were with castanets. It was a festival to the eyes. After a while Kirill went away. Mijal and the girls with batas stayed to dance with their batas and mantons, 

For the end - a buleria. One by one the girls got back to stage. The first ones were Vlada Vest and Adi Grupper who didn't dance with batas at the dance before. None of the girls was wearing any flamenco dress or skirt at this part, Hadas even was wearing pants at this part. Each one who joined came from another part and each received jaleo. Mijal was near the end, Ayealet was the very last one. It was happy and ... I know it's weird to say it on flamenco but it was cute. 

Bow down. Fin la fiesta with palmas and dancing only. Moran Ron was the first to dance. Hadas Nestel has been called to dance after her. Both made stuff which looks easy but needed a lot of control. Mijal called Kirill to dance. He made some faces and movements of "are you sure you want me to dance now in the middle?". Yeah, Mijal was sure. He came to the middle, took him two compases to think, after that he made a crazy dance. It started at just sending one leg and move around himself, after that a real dance - a lot of flamenco but it was possible to see that he usually dance other styles. Then he made something to the girls like a maetro. For a moment all stopped at once to do the palmas and just looked at him. All got cak for palmas at the same time. Mijal made something and finished in a way of "calling" the others to join her. They all danced together. Ayelet made her solo as well and finished like Mijal. Once again - Mijal made few steps and called the others to join her. They got down from stage, the curtain closed and the lights opened. 

For me - all the show I was smiling. It was too much fun to see it for staying sad. I couldn't wait. Although my joy I pretty ran out from the hall. I was waiting for a short while next to the entrance of the artist. I snick in with the entrance of others. I was talking with Mijal a bit for telling her how much I enjoyed it. I said it couldn't wait to Monday. She asked me if isn't it the second time that I saw it. No, only the first. I said "not yet". I know where it came from. I can go twice to the same show and made it this company twice before. She sent me to the girls to tell them too that I loved it. I went to one of the dressing rooms. Ayelet was next to the door from out. I told her it was fun to see it. She said she it's nice to hear it, but now she needs to breath and go to say hello to her parents. At the dressing room were 3 more. Moran wasn't surprised to see me and before I said anything she said "Hi Orna, how are you?" I'm great, I just saw this show! I told them it was fun to see them and they looked like enjoy. They thanked me. Vlada and Adi said that did enjoy. On my way out Lia was talking with me shortly as well. Next to the door out - one more dressing room. Kirill was there said "hello". I couldn't help it. Without to explain a thing I told him it was fun to see the show and I liked what he did at the fin la fiesta. He apologized that he still not enough a flamenco dancer. I said it still possible to see that he is a dancer. He thanked me too and I went. I think I should thank them all for making this show. 

On the way back home I bought something to eat

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